I couldn't watch in real time. This was the most NAZI-est of NAZI rallies I have ever witnessed. Godwin me all you like, but I am a degreed historian who has studied the 3rd Reich much of my life. I made it through eight minutes before having to pause to riff on this. /1
If you cannot see and hear it, you will likely not understand until it's over. And your side DOES NOT WIN. You are following an ideologue. A demagogue. A false prophet. He and his team have manipulated you, drawn out the worst instincts in you. He is feeding your anger. /2
He feeds you lies you are too lazy to easily debunk in the age of the internet. The sky is red. Science is junk. LIES. Please, for the love of the Universe and our tiny little planet SNAP OUT OF THIS SHIT. Break the damned spell and think of future generations of your own. /3
He is no prophet, I promise you. He is accidentally wealthy, simple, and uneducated. And he LOVES YOU for being everything but wealthy. He wants your vote. Nothing more. Analyze your life. His policies thus far have not helped you. Never ever were they intended to do so. /4
Hitler built his mythology of a master race from some very un-sound science. I met with elderly German ladies in the '80s who somehow had no problem with "the war" because tanks didn't roll through their area. Not a word about 6M Jews. The war didn't affect them, so, whatever. /5
I was 15 and not skilled yet at knife fighting. So I backed off, appalled. /6
My point is, you all are being brainwashed if you accept on any level that what Trump is doing to the U.S. is okay. NONE OF THIS is okay. /7
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