I don’t care how much I agree with your politics I will not be sharing anything that has any symbolism of Soviet Russia or the USSR. That regime massacred my ancestors, my great grandparents and grandfather were refugees from Hungary during 1956. Soviet Russia . . . (1/?)
... and rich men disguised by the ideology of communism sent tanks through the streets of Budapest and killed hundreds after brutalizing them for decades. My ancestors cut the hammer and sickle from the Hungarian flag and I will not tarnish their Revolution by supporting it(2/?)
The men who represented that regime, and the violence my family has been victim to because of their oppression directly affects me through generational truama. Because my grandfather experienced tanks in the streets like a war zone, my father was affected and so was I. (3/?)
Ever since learning about the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 seeing USSR and Soviet imagery portrayed in a good light makes me very uncomfortable and honestly angry. My family fled for their lives because they wanted independence. Soviet Russia stole whole harvests from (4/?)
Hungarians while they starved. They formed secret police to torture and interrogate people who opposed the one party system, including people who identified as communist, as well as students. They forced people to be informants and turn in their neighbors through blackmail. (5/?)
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