July Full Moon 🌕
Eclipse 🖤 Message ✨

This full moon and eclipse energy is extremely powerful especially with all of the major planets in retrograde. This is a massive time of growth, change, and transformation. You’re ascending beautifully on your spiritual path to
Enlightenment and inner knowingness. You’ve tapped into your truth and you’re glowing as the bright as the sun and moon. You’ve illuminated all areas of your being and embraced your duality as well as learned to master self. You’ve very aware of divination tools & astrological
Guidance however you’re one with the Universe and you’ve learned to trust, work through, and create even through the toughest of times due to trusting your inner guidance. You know what is for you and how to cultivate it. You have a deep respect for the Universe & your guides &
Recieve the same in return from this. You vibrate at a tremendously high level frequency which allows you to tap into miracle frequency. Always protect and nourish this part of you as this is your inner light. You’re creating power. Your soul. You’re fertile abundant, successful,
Worthy, wealthy, and life giving because you’ve learned to align with to our divine soul path and mission. This allows you to work smarter instead of harder to create. You give abundantly so you recieve abundantly. You’ve realized and understood that everything is energy.
Energy flows easily and effortlessly. You’ve released the past that hold you back. You’ve grown more responsible in your platform, work, and duties for your life and self however you feel free, giddy, and even child like because you’re in alignment. You know and accept that all
Is well all the time. The Universe is working in your favor to bring justice to you and your desires. You’re experiencing a sudden shift in old beliefs in regards to work duty and money. The Universe is responding to your surrender of control is orchestrating massive blessings on
Your behalf. Has you’ve found the balance in work, rest, and play. You are stable, motivated, and determined. You’re whole within self and you’re sure as well as confident of what you desire and are trusting that all will occur in the most perfect of timing. As you’ve discovered
Divine timing is every moment of every day. Vacation is every day in this life because you’re content happy and whole. You’re committed and married to your divine purpose and the Universe loves you for it. You’ve learned not to give up and you’ve learned valuable lessons that
Will carry you for the rest of your days and assist in your success in all aspects of your life. You created love by being love and love is loving you back. Major commitments and or thoughts of marriage/children/ as well as partnerships will be occurring quickly after these
Powerful energies run their course. All is illuminated with self and your connections. You’ve essentially become everything you were seeking and know you’ve attracted it to you as what you’ve been seeking as been seeking you the whole time. Continue to be patient go with the flow
Remain cool calm and collected. Adapt this mind set permanently and watch as all things transform before your very eyes. Stand in your divine goddess/god energy as you’ve unlocked and opened the bridge between the spiritual and the physical realms and all things flow through a
Pure channel with pure intentions. Continue to tap into your old soul intuition and grow within yourself and current situation. Trust your instincts and combine with intuition as this makes you unstoppable. As well as protected. Trust in the unknown and always know that Source &
The Universe are working on your behalf. It’s safe to BOOM 💥 lovelies! ☀️🔥🌻🌈🤩💕💛🧿
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