What i do when I’m feeling overwhelmed and close to a meltdown
(DISCLAIMER: I’m not a professional. I’m just sharing what has helped me throughout the years)
Although these techniques are used to mainly help with anxiety, PTSD, self-harm urges and substance use disorder it can be used to help with autism. There are many ways of practicing grounding but i mainly use the 5-4-3-2-1 method. To do this you list:
5- 5 things you can hear
4- 4 things you can see
3- 3 things you can touch
2- 2 things you can smell
1- 1 thing you can taste
If you experience sensory seeking then this type of grounding will be best for you.
simply place your hand in water. Answer these questions:
What is the waters temperature?
+How does it feel around my finger tips, palms, and the back of my hands?
Does the feeling stay constant throughout all of my hand?
This water method doesn’t help me because i am sensory avoiding but it has helped a lot of my sensory seeking friends and family :)
These methods helps you lose focus on the issue that you were fixated on.
Btw I’m gonna continue this thread later,, I’m tired asf rn
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