Real question: why do some people equate adulthood with being simple, blending in, “following the rules”, “being classy”. Why is it that you “grow up” when you lose or mask anything that makes you unique or displays creativity?
Im talking bold hair choices, unique fashion styles, bright nails ... etc. Adults will be like “no I’m too old for that” or “when you grow up you’ll change your mind about wanting to wear that” etc.
Why is adulthood a place where your true self expression goes to die? Or are you already dead inside you don’t have anymore room for self expression
Like! Get that tattoo! Wear what makes u happy! Dye ur hair the colour of the rainbow! Get fun nail designs. If the only reason ur not doing this is because you’re old, but u actually really wanna do it ... do it. 😅💓
Life is already going to have its boring and painful moments. Why lose yourself and your creative expression or the small things that bring you joy too?
ok end rant. and yes someone told me I’d be more simple when I “grew up” lmao and I’m being a classic Leo about it. 😂
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