You know what? Fuck it. I'm gonna say it. And I've BEEN SAYING THIS.

1) Org picks up Korean players.
2) Org fails to set up a proper system so the Korean players/staff don't feel supported or cared for.
3) Korean player does super well, until homesickness starts to kick in, and communication to/from the players feels stunted or slow.
4) After months of building frustration, the Korean player pulls out the bigger guns.
5) NA talent goes "cLaSsIc KoReAnS"
Do you see the problem here? Do you??

Instead of looking into how the ORG is taking care of their players, you know, the players they've asked to come to the other side of the planet only to leave them high and dry for 8~9 months, people are blaming the PLAYER (cont)
for problems that could have been prevented much, MUCH easier had they either had the proper infrastructure from the beginning.

But no, we hear OWL casters make sweeping generalizations like this instead :)

"Classic Korean thing"??? Are you kidding me?!
How the fuck is an OWL caster allowed to say shit like this? It's absolutely ignorant, casually racist, and also makes a massively sweeping generalization of an entire nationality??? Have you forgotten that 70%+ of this fucking LEAGUE uses Koreans, @SideshowGaming?

Do better.
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