Another THREAD on insightful timeless ideas shared by Kunal Shah ( @kunalb11) during 2018:


We turn out to be average of people we spend time with.

That’s why: BOOKS.

Just like viruses find it easier to infect/spread in people with low immunity, brainwashing is much easier in people with poor emotional control.

A society that will celebrate being emotional, will always be manipulated by viruses of society.

Blockchain is similar to meditation and religion.

All 3 are not understood by most and offered as a magical solution for all complex human problems.

Shallow brains with cognitive overload on social media has made whole world into a mob fighting on both sides for every single topic without any deep knowledge.

People who are choosing to be in middle are considered weak, dumb & ignorant whereas it’s exactly the opposite.

Profit is the proof that people value your offering.

Loyalty is the proof that people depend on your offering.

Referral is the proof that you’ve impacted life of customers through your offering.

A lot of founders love to blame everything and everyone else for their failure except themselves and often find similar founders to support their confirmation bias.

Only issue with this emotional finger pointing is that it prevents self-reflection and learnings.

Good doctors and good product managers are similar, they spend more time diagnosing versus solving.

Bad doctors and bad product mangers are similar, they spend less time diagnosing versus solving.

Dear angel investors, a founder should be spending time building and not updating you on regular basis.

Help them when they ask, but don’t become their boss and waste time.

If you want control, angel investment is not for you.

PS: it’s called angel investment for a reason.

Life is a game of skill for people who aren’t born wealthy.

People who suck at this game, will always get attracted to games of hope and luck.

Games of luck/hope can range from lottery to religion to gambling to coaching classes to dating apps to sauna belt to astrology.

People who cannot handle ambiguity should NEVER join early stage startups.

Cause not only they suffer, they make every other member suffer as they become source of energy drain versus source of energy gain.

We often assume that value establishes price but often price helps establish value.

As world is burdened with information overload, processing power to evaluate value behind a price tag will keep diminishing and social proof will be the short cut chosen.

Marketplaces profit when brands compete fiercely.

Brands profit when marketplaces compete fiercely.

If a product doesn’t aim to become a platform, it may end up becoming a feature of a platform.

Lending is a feature. Not a product.

Almost all and any distribution platforms with unique and rich datasets can unlock lending and win big.

When B2C entrepreneurs with original insights share their insights, it hits you like a good stand up comedy joke.

Extremely counter intuitive and yet feels completely true and you laugh at amazement on how you missed seeing the same thing before when in was in plain sight.

Being an original startup is a lonely affair.

As no one has built or invested in something like that before, it causes massive anxiety and needs 100x more conviction from founder, team, investors.

No wonder people like competing more than creating original companies.

One reliable way to sell expensive goods to a cost conscious society is to offer assured resale value.

Without standardization, scaling is an illusion.

You know a company’s focused on growth when they do 10x better job on customer retention versus customer acquisition.

High IQ if not paired with ambition or purpose probably ends up making people lazy, cynical and armchair critics.
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