1/ When we begin a new project, we often have doubts. People offer caution. Early troubles may increase our self-doubt and may also generate "I told you so".

Don't be afraid to lose face! I have lost so much face over the years that I wonder how I still have a face😅
2/ One mental attitude I try to carry is "Yes some of my assumptions could be wrong. Yet if my core conviction is valid, we will figure a way out. We will learn from mistakes and failures, while acknowledging them."

Taking failures too personally is an ego trap.
3/ I try to make sure people can voice their doubts or reports of failures to me by not shooting the messenger. That's a critical feedback loop and very necessary in any project or venture.

I try not to brood over mistakes and failures but focus on positive steps ahead.
4/ Maintaining a positive frame of mind is critical to suceeding in any effort. Ensuring that a positive frame mind does not become a delusional frame of mind is also critical!

People need that balance in their leaders. When they find balance, their trust and confidence go up.
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