fonts - a hopefully informative thread
*honestly made this thread to show the fonts that i like ,, and explain a little about fonts. this wont be as in-depth ,, because i have minimal braincells*
serif- the fancier type of font with the little lines
sans - serif- the basic type of font with no little lines
theres also script fonts and decorative fonts
which usually don't go with anything theyre the shits you use in like grade 5 for ppts
serifs that i fuck with
bodoni 72
- honestly one of my favs for sure
- has a book font (so if ur designing a book perfect)
- used more often then you think tbh
- if you want that like effortlessly sleek look this is a must tbh
- oldstyle serif
- more fancy feel to it
- one of the first serifs that appealed to me
- letterhead type of font tbh
big caslon
- ,, it aint even a font family but the medium slaps
- caslong font family is aight
- the black *chefs kiss*
- display font fr
- effortlessly sleek
- really good to use for websites/screens
- the best we love them
serifs you should NEVER USE
times new romans
- no comment
- literally teachers should be fired for using this
- makes my eyes bleed
- if u make this look good u are GOD
- has this weird condensed look idk
- literally a fake serif
- has this block feel to it not nice
- would use this as a joke
- i need to bleach my eyes brb
sans serifs that i fuck with
*i love sans serifs so i might add more than 4 lmfao*
avenir next
- i LOOOOOOOOOOVE this font
- the feel to this font is so fucking diverse
- can be manipulated to feel more sophisticated
- great as titles and subtitles
benton sans
- amazing ???
- its a little fancier sans serif imo
- use this for a more exotic feel
brandon grotesque
- it has grotesque in the name but its actually really nice
- as a display font ? amazing
- use this for a more playful feel to things
forma djr
- i have this weird attraction to this font idk?
- if used right, makes an impact
- use for less formal display
- also really legible so works for text heavy stuff
franklin gothic
- basic sans serif
- cannot go wrong with this
- really good for headliners
- a shit ton of variety tbh
neue haas unica
- a helvetica alternative
- simple feel
- amazing tbh
- light is my fav
- the rounded feel ?
- title font for sure
- used this for a project got an 90
- an imPACT
- rounded feel x2
- more sophisticated than poppins though
- good for text heavy
- good for websites, legible
- one of the sans serifs i love
- really good bold font yummy
- used for a lot tbh
- direct and straight to the point feel
*special mention for @fiffanie*
- its not bad ,, but like i dont use it a lot
- if you cant make this font work its ugly
- very diverse, good for titles
- used by a shit ton of big brands
sans serifs that make me wanna comit arson
- nah this font is fr ugly
- i see yall using arial bold italics for youtube edits
- idk not okay imo
- i wouldnt take someone seriously using this tbh
comic sans
- a joke like the mf name
- i really wonder why this bitch exists
- i would fr bully this font
- like no comment this bitch is UGLYY
- if you haven't heard me rant about this font we are not friends
- made a helvetica film poster im kinda amazing
- no rights ,,,
trade gothic
- the font my old college uses
- the PHAKE franklin gothic
- poor bitches use this
- no respect they get stepped on
gonna add fonts i use for korean ,,,
bm dohyeon
- love her
- the thicc hangul an aesthetic
- underrated imo
apple sd 산돌고딕 neo
- amazing
- more weights to this on e
- the thin sexc
- pretty sure i used this for my banner
- works for japanese too !!
okie thats it for my thread im sorry i plugged up y'alls tls
fanks for listening 🥺
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