To the TOs that were quick to ban people for code of conducts or safety of your attendees I got a weird question for you. According to google 70m-100m adult peeps in the US have an criminal record. So you might have significant amount your attendees with a record varying from
something minor to some major felony. If you are banning some people for stuff, how about the real convicted criminals? I mean it's not gonna be cheap doing criminal checks for everyone but isn't it a double standard?
Feel free to tag your TOs, BC I definitely don't know the answer. I rather not run a tournament.
All I am saying is if you are gonna start banning do the whole thing right and the big picture b/c there are some hard criminals in there. But it might hurt some of your wallets so lets see who will do what. I wanna see who cares about the community and not just $$.
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