A contribution to my friends Facebook post today on the term white privilege; I would assert that the term denies individual characteristics of people and creates a wedge, meanwhile it doesn’t address the root problems in society; capital allocation and ownership.
I would for sure concede that there are structural issues that need to be addressed and that black populations and native American populations have a particularly relevant claim in these areas.
I would also concede that majority privilege exists in any society, to what degree it is directly relevant to outcomes in life is another question all together. Correlation does not equal causation, but can direct our focus as it pertains to these problems.
People experience all manner of privilege in life and I would say the literature around “whiteness” is radioactive levels of toxic. It takes a conversation that needs to happen and re-frames it in a way that will undoubtedly alienate people and cause cultural Balkanization.
Furthermore; all of this is derived from intersectional theory, which essentially sees all identity markers through a Marxist conflict lens and assumes a power dynamic. Which is clearly not representative of the reality on the ground. It’s too simplistic and reductionist.
Take the following examples into consideration; Will Smith vs Me (some random white dude), Ellen Degeneres v 99.9% of straight women, Caitlyn Jenner v 99.9% of random Cis gender dudes.
Intersectional theory would lay a blanket claim that their immutable characteristics are the relevant factor and the power dynamic would play in favor of the latter party in each example, not capital dominance in our culture. A little too convenient for people with real power.
Lastly; the claim that the rejection of racialized terms like white privilege come from “white fragility” is whats called a “kafkatrap”. Similar to the Salem witch Trials, where they would drown someone they claimed to be a “witch”.
If the accused floated they were deemed guilty and burnt at the stake, if they sunk they were deemed innocent. If interrogated honestly this framing of the situation is pretty obviously incoherent. The full definition of a Kafkatrap is at the bottom of this thread.
These are my main issues about the term white privilege. I would also issue the warning that societies all through history have had periods where they are captured by bad ideas that lead to war, genocide and other intolerable conditions for people.
We all need to be careful about which ideas we have floating around in our head in this time of unparalleled change.

A question we should all be asking ourselves in my opinion is; what would need to be true for my belief to be false?
Definition of kafkatrap:
Kafkatrap (plural Kafkatraps)
A sophistical rhetorical device in which any denial by the accused serves as evidence of guilt.
Jill said Jack was paranoid, and when he told her he was not she just nodded knowingly. It was a perfect Kafkatrap.
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