@ZooPropaganda Allright, lets have a proper discussion, now first lets set the rules, heres my proposal for the rules, if you have changes to suggest do so or provide your own set of rules and lets agree on them first:
1. no digging up tweets from one another, unless used to prove a scientifical standpoint
(Dont pull up a random tweet where I said stupid shit and use it as an argument)

2. No talk about personal life/expiriences, unless to prove a scientific standpoint
3. No insults

4. No attacking one another

Simply provide your standpoint and the scientific data to base it and I will do the same and then we shall debate it

Greets, Blitz
Anyone else who wants to is also happily welcome to discuss with me, no matter what your standpoint is, as long as it differs from mine ofc
Also, no politics, this is purely scientific, idc if it should be allowed from a moral standpoint but simply if it should be from a scientific POV, in this thread ofc, if you want politics,aybe some other time
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