is @AmericanAir trying to purposely endanger their passengers? (A thread)

For context, my flight #2447 was booked before 2 weeks before they announced their reopening of the middle seat (as of July 1st, today is July 3rd)
@AmericanAir had a change possibility for the next day (4th) if this flight was too booked, would it matter anyways? Their greedy little souls would have probably sold out that flight)

This flight #2447 is packed, with over 90% capacity, mind you, during a PANDEMIC.
for a company that received ($5.8B) you guys are prime examplary of greed, shame on you.

(Thank you to the other airlines doing their precautions, @SouthwestAir )
Secondly, this flight (row 11, seat c) has a special needs adult (which ordinarily, who cares?) but she is and has not worn a mask during the duration of the flight, with saliva dripping down from her mouth to shirt and slight Tourette’s.
Most importantly, @AmericanAir are you not afraid of endangering her? Do you not think she might not have the best immune system to deal with a flight of this capacity?

And thirdly, are you not afraid that she might not be a danger to others?
Shame on you all, you greedy, greedy f***s

Thank you to the passengers who wore their mask properly.

#americanairlines #Covid_19
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