Indigenous protesters at Mount Rushmore (sacred Lakota land) have removed the tires from the large white vans in the background, creating a road block that will be very difficult to move.

🎥: @EEBormett
The National Guard has arrived at the Mount Rushmore (sacred Lakota land) protest.
Police and the guard are trying to remove protesters, but so far the lines at Mount Rushmore (unceded Lakota treaty territory) are holding.
Indigenous protesters are now being attacked with non-lethal rounds.
They’re preparing to gas the Indigenous protesters blocking access to the unceded Lakota territory known as Mount Rushmore.
Only a few protesters left blocking the road to unceded Lakota territory aka Mount Rushmore.

But, the vans have not been moved, and the doors just closed. People stuck are stuck outside unless protocol is changed.
The Lakota protesters most likely saved the lives of many Trump fans by preventing them from going to his rally where they do not plan on social distancing.
The indigenous protesters have not left, however they have been pushed back behind the vans, which are slowly being towed. Road is still blocked.
Protesters will reportedly be forced out in 10 minutes if they don’t clear out voluntarily. And many have expressed that they won’t leave.

(Also I’ve only seen one link to a bail fund so far and it hasn’t worked. Please send me info on a verified bail fund if you see anything)
All protesters blocking the road to unceded Lakota territory known as Mount Rushmore are now being arrested.
You can follow @JoshuaPotash.
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