If you’re not gonna do more for the advancement of Black people and the #BlackLivesMatter movement, then take the #BLM hashtag out your Twitter bio. This isn’t a bandwagon, this is a belief system, a cause deep rooted within our spirits. Put some respect on our culture.
Don’t let Twitter be the bandwidth of your support. You gotta be more than Twitter fingers, y’all President does enough of that already. If you gonna be about it, be about it. No room for lukewarm support.
This cannot be another trendy fad. There’s been countless Black lives lost and they damn sure deserve more than that. Even when the talk dies down a little, check your racist peers on discriminatory language. When you walk into these huge conferences, see how many minorities
And Black people you come across. Advocate for the unrepresented when they can’t advocate for themselves. Speak up and speak out. Educate yourselves on micro- and macroaggresions. Check your privilege multiple times if you have to.
Also, to universities, implicit bias training and anti-racist training are two different things. Don’t pat yourselves on the back for getting a few faculty members to come to an implicit bias training. Address racism directly. Call it for what it is.
Lastly, the only difference standing in the way of HBCUs getting as much attention and academic advancement as PWIs is FUNDING. And I do believe that comes from a system of racial oppression that stems from the higher ups.
I know too many brilliant Black kids who simply need exposure and lack the resources. I was one of those kids. I’m on a rant today, but today, I have been frustrated and I am not sorry.
You can follow @justbe_frank.
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