💕DKBK, college student waiter Katsuki/ Older businessman Deku.

Since he's graduated high school, Katsuki has worked at the same restaurant. It's no gourmet place, but the pay is slightly better than average and nobody cares if he's a little rude to a customer "by accident".
He only has one coworker. The two of them only cross paths on Saturday and Sunday when the little diner is at its busiest. The other days they're open, Katsuki takes the morning shift and Ochako takes the afternoon and dinner shift. At nights, Katsuki takes bullshit
classes at the local college, chasing some kind of dream his parents wanted for him that's always been just out of reach. He comes home to his tiny apartment and cooks himself dinner before pouring over his books and getting just enough done so that he can sleep peacefully.
This is his life. Wash, rise and repeat. It's not exciting, but he can't complain. Some of his friends from high school don't have apartments yet. Some of them moved away and now live lives Katsuki can barely muster enough care for to press the like button on their pictures.
He's too busy for a ton of friends, or a boyfriend or that cute dog he passes every day on his way to the train (that he's pretty broken up about). That's perfectly fine with him. Every day, Katsuki takes an hour to do some of the prep work, including all of the baking
for the restaurant. His mother had taught him how to cook and bake when he was young, and despite what the chef, Aizawa, says, he's pretty damn good at both of them. He'd managed to steal Aizawa's baking duties a few years ago. It's worked out great for everyone--
he gets to have some peace and do something he enjoys early before anyone else gets there, and no one else has to suffer through Aizawa's disgusting pies. Katsuki had just finished prepping the crust for the pies he's going to make tomorrow, and now he's out leaning
against the side of the building while he has a smoke. Off-peak hours are normally dead, so he's surprised when Aizawa sticks his head out of the backdoor and says, "Kid, you have a customer." "Damn can't Mina take it? She's the host, she knows how to do enough."
"She told me to come get you. So..." he makes a motion with his hand signaling that it's time for Katsuki to hurry up. He rolls his eyes but then flicks his cigarette to the ground anyway, only stopping to wash his hands as he goes to attend to his new customer.
Katsuki walks through the swinging doors and then promptly stops in his tracks. The man at the table is wearing a suit that looks like it costs more than Katsuki makes in a year. His hair falls over his forehead and cheeks in soft, green curls. He's biting at his
plump bottom lip in concentration as he reads the menu, but when he lifts his head up just a little, Katsuki can see that his cheeks are speckled with caramel-colored freckles. Katsuki is so fucking gay. "Oh my fucking god," he says under his breath. Mina laughs next to him.
"I thought you'd like to handle this one from start to finish." Katsuki glares at her, but he bends down further than he has to to scoop ice in a glass, trying his best to hide his bright red cheeks. He can't even remember the last time there was someone
under the age of 65 in this place that wasn't a group of drunk people from his college coming in to eat at the crack of dawn. Katsuki takes a deep breath. "Wish me luck," he says to Mina. He puts on his fakest smile, and then goes to introduce himself to Handsome Suit Guy.
(tbc in a bit i'm eating dinner!!)
“Hey, thank you for coming, is this your first time here?”

Handsome Suit Guy lifts his eyes from his menu to give Katsuki a warm, friendly smile. They’re green— like a forest or a meadow or something else green, Katsuki’s too mesmerized to really think too hard
“Yes, it is! A coworker of mine came in for a meal last week and said the pancakes were great, so I had to check it out myself.”

“Oh, I would agree with him,” Katsuki tells him, turning up his charm so high it almost hurts his soul. “The pancakes here are pretty great.
Is that what you would like, then?”

The man frowns for a moment before he says, “No, actually, I’d like to take a longer look at the menu if I could.”

“Of course! Just let me know when you’re ready. I’ll be over here.” Katsuki lazily points and turns around.
He finds himself blushing as soon as his back is turned to the guy. He looks maybe ten years older than Katsuki, but holy shit he’s so HOT. His arms were practically bursting out of his well-fitted suit. When he gets back to the host stand. He tries his best not to stare.
Mina laughs. “You’re pathetic.”

“Am NOT,” Katsuki scoffs.

“Please, I can practically see you drooling. Good luck. You’re gonna need it.”

Katsuki watches her walk away and sighs. The man’s teeth are in his lower lip again. Shit.

Yeah, he’s gonna need all the luck he can get.
(Tbc tomorrow probably!) â˜șâ˜ș
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