im in a massive ikea line so ✨ thread of my greatest hannibal hits for the hannibal new wave ✨ not measured by numbers or anything just by how Nifty i think my own content is (not that nifty, but u cannot say i was not Passionate)
ok first of all my willton playlist bc i curated that shit obsessively for like 2 yrs and i still update it sometimes for funsies. we love the little rarepair that could(n’t) 💖🔥
the first part of my willton post-red dragon book/tv canon mix fic series. honestly one of my fav things ive ever written. i really cannot explain why i fixated so obsessively on this rarepair but if u remember U Remember 
the second part of the willton series (i have the 3rd part like 40% written but im nvr going to finish it lol) anyway i love this one more than the first part bc i wrote a fuller-esque clarice starling remix into the story and im in love w her 
some nonsense where bryan fuller’s freddie lounds flirts with thomas harris’ clarice starling. im not available for further comment ✨
me being an annoying child on my old account and tweeting dlc and bryan fuller abt The Little Rarepair That Could(n’t) i still refuse to call it chillywilly tho 🤨
cw: references to margot’s canonical sexual abuse / this margot/freddie fic bc that was my fav hannibal femslash rarepair marlana also it has a copious amt of julius caesar references bc i wrote it when i was 15 & we were reading jc in english lol 
im ending this thread w these screencaps. not my content but i just love remembering He. frederick chilton in manhunter lol (the 1986 ver of red dragon) ok bye. stan frederick chilton 🥰
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