Animal abuse is animal abuse, it can’t be justified, and it should be punished.
That being said, harassing someone online to the point of suicide is equally unjustifiable, you’re no better if you’re pushing someone to kill themselves for past mistakes that they no longer commit
Time and time we’ve carelessly watched people being pushed to the point of suicide because of their dwindling mental health and the lack of empathy from the Internet: “the Internet isn’t for soft people” is no excuse for your toxicity, you need to grow up and move forward
It’s evident who I’m referring to although I don’t really follow them or anything, but when they’re trying to move forward and learn from their errors then you have to give them that chance.
It’s clear we haven’t learned from the suicides that happen as a result of
the same shitty cycle unfolding before our very eyes and many of us either doing nothing about it or feeding the online harassment.
We often forget that humans do have the ability to regret their actions and move forward;
while I can understand why that’s the case, we have to be better than that.
Whether you’d only be so toxic in that manner anonymously (online) or in person, you’re not a good person if you do this. You have to be better than that, allow people to move forward.
Finally, I know some things cannot be excuses like that, I really do. This is more of a plea to prevent another suicide or similar self harm incident from happening. If you think I’m sympathizing with animal abuse because of this thread, look back at its first tweet.
It’s okay not to condone the nature of the mistakes done in the past, I don’t condone them either, but it’s okay to forgive someone who’s trying their best to move forward and be better. You’re no better if you actively push for someone to take their own life,
you know what you’re doing with your constant online harassment, so stop it and grow up.
You can follow @YaBoyZakiSami.
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