i've studied scientists who study human migration via genomics. i've also studied Indigenous, feminist, Black, African, and other diverse People’s accounts of science & technology history. I’ve learned 3 things about Indigenous histories: 1/6
1) i've no doubt “Europeans” weren't first to "discover America." A) There were already humans here. B) Peoples from other continents & islands sailed oceans blue way before the murderer Columbus & built ancient relations w/ one other. We have non-Euro documentation of this; 2/6
2) I’ve learned that ancient travelers do not render Indigenous peoples in the “Americas” “immigrants too,” human societies originating on other continents who may have visited here cannot usurp the Indigeneity of People’s long co-constituted with these continents. 3/6
3a) To assert that is to perpetuate violent Eurocentric thought—a “hierarchy of life” in two ways: it’s human-centric, privileging human ancestry & not giving the land its due in making us who we are); 4/6
3b) it’s anti-Indigenous, privileging the “greater civilization” of people who may have come from other continents, stayed & became part of this place & our Peoples. This place is not “really” of another set of Peoples & places. Other civilizations are not really first here. 5/6
Anyone tagging me with that civilizational hierarchy nonsense that is ultimately born of white supremacy and which is also anti-Indigenous (even when the perpetrator of said nonsense is not white) will be blocked. 6/6
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