I don’t see how people can’t even look at the trends that are going on throughout media and in Hollywood and think that mediocrity is not a thriving trend LOL. That’s why people are getting scammed every week on some BS! 🤣
Fit tea, tummyteas, pyramid schemes, rappers who can’t rap, singers who can’t sing, models who can’t model or even look like themselves off the internet, fitness gurus w/ BBLs, influencers who actually don’t influence anything- literally all scammer mediocre trends & ppl thriving
Fake spiritualists who ppl let scam them, manifestion books & oils that ppl happily buying into to get a man or career without work, ugly racist youtubers who cake their face & call themselves MUAs, activists who don’t understand macro economics spreading misinformation leading
Ppl who have no experience dating or clients who date internationally doing threads on how they believe the world is dating LOL telling lightskin & white women they’re the only privileged beautiful ones bc they are insecure. All of it is mediocre ppl getting support & it’s a mess
And all of these are underlying trends of the biggest representation of what people truly believe about themselves in America who is sitting right in the White House.

The President. The mediocre antiblk self hating scammer ravaging the planet.
You can follow @imani_yvonne2.
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