I'm probably going to catch a lot of hate for this, and maybe I'm missing something, but this hurt to watch. I've said my piece about Alinity's actions in the past and I'm not defending them. But at what point do we become bullies worse than the actions we're condemning?
It's been a long time. She's apologized many times over, sincerely. She cooperated with authorities. She's made mistakes since, but they don't seem to be malicious? She seems to have grown.

I don't think it's unfair for her to ask: at what point is it ever going to be enough?
At this point, I don't think (some) people ever wanted an apology. I think they wanted an easy target to gang up on, to scapegoat for Twitch's overall missteps in policy, maybe even for being an attractive woman or "tiddy streamer." To me, it's become a mob with unfair cause.
She's been the target of ridicule of some of the biggest personalities on the internet - Pewdiepie, Ninja, etc. - and all their mob fans with it. I watched her entire stream yesterday (less than an hour long). I believe her when she says she's contemplated killing herself.
Do we not believe in reform? Do we not believe in genuine and growth? Do we not ourselves make terrible mistakes and need that second, third, fourth chance to make amends and demonstrate change?

The target of a year-long concerted attack has broken. Did we... win?
I have randomly heard stories about her unseen kindness. I won't name them, but she helped a stranger who was black out drunk from sexual assault. She jumped at the chance to listen to someone she barely knows online. She's more than her mistakes and - shockingly - human.
I was in the rage mob when those first incidents came to light. I unfollowed her immediately and even replied publicly to her. It has been a YEAR with SO much more bad shit that's happened, but for some reason, she is THE target. There's no one else on Twitch more hated than her.
There's going to be lots of "maybe just don't abuse animals, huehuehue." Yeah, duh, thank you, admiral obvious. How about don't go filming minors in public restrooms, how about don't make racist jokes, how about don't send actual hate mobs and death threats at women streamers.
I do believe in reform and demonstrative change. I do believe that we have covered our eyes and ears and turned an offender into a victim.

People get angry about cancel culture and yet have no problems trying to weaponize it when it suits them.

I just don't think it's fair.
"She should leave for X weeks, then I'll believe her." Like really? Do you really think that if she leaves for whatever time y'all deem is necessary as her punishment, she won't get the same hate when she returns (as opposed to record-breaking viewers for other transgressors)?
"Yes, I've made mistakes and I'm sorry. I've worked really hard over the past year to change."


"I'm sorry for literally sexually assaulting someone."

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