AAVE = African American Vernacular English. Is a legitimate dialect of the English language. It is also proof of a tonal language amongst black peoples: a thread.
I hear a lot of people say “what is sounding black” and I am here to explain what it means. African Americans in the US are descendants of slaves who were not allowed to have an education. Lack of education but still picking up the English language resulted in a pidgin English.
AAVE is a way of speaking that uses tone of voice, inflection & forms of English that are exclusive to the African American dialect. Examples: “TO BE” phrasing.
Examples: “What’s Chant doing?”
-“he chillin” or “he be chillin”. Phrases that cover past and present were convenient for slaves because of not being taught proper English. So instead of saying “he is chillin.” Or “he was chillin” we drop the tense to fit any tense.
Dropping the tense makes our form of English the easiest to learn hence why many non white groups love to the US into black neighborhoods and participate in learning our form of English first.
Also it is proof of “tonal like quality” different inflections in AAVE can mean different things. The same sentence can have 9 different meanings based upon inflection. Which is why when you hear someone speaking AAVE without a connection usually alarm us or seem strange.
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