wow so a few hours ago aoa members and their manager went to mina's house. jimin went in angrily so mina asked if this is the expression of someone who wants to apologize, but jimin said, "where's the knife? should i just die?" like wtf...
mina said jimin did apologize repeatedly, but she didn't feel like jimin came to do it sincerely, but it could be just her. in the end she have decided to accept jimin's apology, though she can't just erase a 11 years of pain in 1 day so she's gonna make an effort..
also, the members left after mina promised that she won't have 'negative' thoughts and get ahold of herself. she said she believes that there are two fathers watching her from the heaven so she can't write lies

i think she's making everyone sure that she won't self-harm again🙏🏻
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