So, I know y’all love just having exchanges and getting scary competitive during Greek week and never challenging the status quo, BUT here are actual, tangible things that Panhellenic/IFC folks at La Tech can do to commit to diversity and inclusion:
1. INVOLVE NPHC. And not- and I can’t stress this enough- just for a photo op!!! Make them feel welcome in your community. Acknowledge that these people have organizations and values that align with yours. Listen to them! Learn from them!
2. Elect an all-Greek council & form a Greek Inclusivity Alliance. Give them funds from NPC/IFC dues to go towards programming, speaker series, documentary nights, etc. It honestly wouldn’t be that hard for a group of motivated student leaders to put something like this together.
3. Challenge campus to provide diversity and inclusion programming as well. I love Louisiana Tech with my whole heart but they are honestly behind. Demand more out of your SGA. Put pressure on the higher ups to do more.
4. Question why sororities and frats are held to different standards. Stop letting men get away with things bc “boys will be boys”. Push 4 all-Greek programming and accreditation, not separate. Also as NPC women maybe let’s start talking abt ways that we enable fraternity culture
5. For the love of god, stop having offensive party themes (and sorry to say this but yes, Old South is offensive). You can preach all day about loving and respecting other cultures, but the second you show up to a party in a sombrero and a mustache your credibility is shot.
6. Use the resources you do have on campus! Seek them out! Stop saying you don’t have them. Ask around! It doesn’t cost thousands of dollars to bring someone in to do a microagressions workshop before recruitment. Your counseling center or a professor would prob do it for free.
7. Elect leaders w/integrity who’ll be transparent w/selection processes. I know there’s a group @ Tech that has a rep for discrimination, but if you think it’s never happened in your own chapter house too then you’re dead wrong. Demand transparency and values-based recruiting.
8.Closing remarks: if FSL doesn’t start having uncomfortable convos abt our history and future, we’ll cease to be a relevant part of the collegiate experience. Acknowledging a problem in the system doesn’t cheapen experiences and relationships you got from it; it strengthens them
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