الجزائر 🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿
algeria 🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿
a brief history of my country’s independence :
France brutually colonising algeria for 132 years throughout their colonisation over 10 million algerians murdered while algerians were being subjected to discriminatory laws facing extreme racism against algerians under french rule
Many many genocides and war crimes were committed through out the years here’s just a few:
8th may 1945
Setif & Guelma massacre

4000 algerians went out to celebrate WW2 victory even though being forced to go to war french general ordered the genocide of 45000 men women and children massacred to deter the thought of revolution and till this day france hasn’t apologised
October 17 1961 Paris
The Seine Massacre

tens of thousands of algerians in paris went out to demonstrate against french brutality and occupation police opened fire killing 400 algerians.
1954-1962 Algeria
Algerian War of Independence

Enough was enough FLN (Front de Libération) declared war for independence and after 7 long years and 1.5 million algerians killed Algeria 🇩🇿 gained there independence from France
you ever wondered why Algeria is loved so much by its people and how important it is too us through the struggles and sacrifices of the millions of algerians. No one loves their country as much as Algerians 🇩🇿

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