Can we now discuss what an average CEO Rummenigge is?

- hired Klinsmann against all warnings
- replaced Pep with Carlo
- let Kovac continue after the 18/19 season
- failed to extend and then replace Ballack
- failed to extend and then replace Kroos
- replaced Xabi with Tolisso
- failed to extend Thiago and will not replace him adequately
- signed Vidal instead of de Bruyne
- didn’t sign Sané in 2016
- failed to replace Robben and Ribéry for almost half a decade
- failed to replace Lahm
- regularly failed to get his wishes through against Uli
- interfered with Pep, Sammer and Reschke’s work
- stupid loans
- has overseen multiple average to subpar transfer windows
- never implemented a coherent philosophy and vision which everyone at the club abides by
- got lucky that Hansi was at the right place at the right time
- oversaw the signing of four too similar players withing four consecutive summer transfer windows (Vidal, Renato, Coco, Leon)
I don’t care if you’re offended by this thread. I speak nothing but the truth. I say it as I see. I give you the straight dope. Take it or leave it. If you want to hype him up for lowballing in negotiations and signing players on a free, go ahead.

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