A thread about my involvement with the Walten Files, and how I am treating the current drama associated with it (1/?)
Recently, as most of you all have heard, there has been drama within FNAF Twitter as well as the creators Waackery, and Martin Walls.
I would like to say that I personally do not hate those two, whatsoever.
What they choose to ship within an AU which is entirely separate from -
canon is none of my business.
I expect many of my close mutuals to unfollow me, block me, and add me to block lists after this thread is finished, and to you I am sorry for letting you all down. (2/?)
I have recently been given the opportunity to voice act for the Walten Files as well, and I decided to accept the offer, regardless of the drama associated with it.
I ask you all to respect my decision, and please don't try and talk me out of it.
I thank you all for being kind to me, and giving me the time of day, whether that be just liking my posts or commenting on them, and I am truly sorry if I have upset you with my decision.
Thank you for reading this thread. (3/3)
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