As the Fourth of July weekend commences, I urge everyone to take precautions to fight #COVIDー19. I’m going to share my battle as a 23 year old very active male with this VERY REAL and novel virus to shed light on some of the typical and atypical symptoms of the virus.
On June 19th, I was presumed to be first exposed to the virus. On June 21st and 22nd, I began to have severe fatigue out of proportion to my activity. I kept vocally telling everyone I talked to “I’m so tired.”
On June 22nd, I began having more fatigue, a slight cough, and pressure behind my eyes. It often felt very painful to move my eyes or focus them on things around me. I got my first test from CVS. On June 23rd, I woke up with the worse day of symptoms.
I felt dizzy, several body aches, the chills began, and continued eye pressure. I struggled to do simple addition or text coherently. A hot shower felt like an ice bath. And it felt as if I had done a triathlon after being on the couch nearly all day.
I went for a walk and felt slightly better. On June 24th, the shortness of breathe kicked in. Walking down stairs in the morning or cooking breakfast was followed by a mandatory laying down of 30 min or so. No loss of appetite but diarrhea kicked in.
June 25-27, all symptoms remained with progression or regression at times. On June 27, things changed. It was confirmed I came in contact w someone on the 19th who was positive and immediately got a rapid test from an urgent care. Test was positive. Still no CVS results.
In the evening of June 27th, I broke out into hives all over my body. Benadryl provided relief before a second flare. On June 28th/29th, hives were gone, but severe foot pain began. Every time I walked the sole of my feet would ache as if I walked from one city to the next.
July 1/2, most symptoms have left, but I still remained fairy fatigued. I was sleeping on average 18/24 hours of the day. Sometimes more or sometimes less. CVS results came in. (positive) I’ve approached my two weeks of self quarantine but am taking more time to return to myself
Think hard before you go to that celebration this weekend! I would not wish these last two weeks on anyone. Wear a mask, social distance, wash your hands, and be smart. Covid 19 is REAL and can and will effect each person differently! Protect yourself and protect your loved ones!
You can follow @stew_lock.
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