Like yourself, I'm apart of many group chats. One of which includes 5 Black women. 2 are already millionaires and the 3 of us are well on our way. We talk money often. We praise every win. We trade negotiation tactics and business strategies and regularly check our mental health.
Normalize wealth conversations. What’s interesting is that making money is a function of friendship for men but not necessarily for women. Research shows we are not as comfortable talking about our financial history, current status, credit score or even our faults.
Oh! REMINDER. A job may determine your salary but you have control of your total income. The dollar amount on your offer letter is what they can afford, it does not determine your true value.
I was a side hustler for 10 years. I built a 6-figure company from my cubicle then quit Jan. 2019. It's easy to launch a company but it's another thing to maintain it. However, you don't have to do it alone. Mentorship shouldn't only be verticle, it should be horizontal.
You should be able to look to your right and left and tap into your peer group for solutions or to discuss what you can build together. And if you cannot build with them then limit your time with them. My rule: If I can't pray, get money, or lean into you. You are a distraction.
If you lack financial literacy, then be honest with what you do not know about money. There’s no shame in being transparent. Ask questions. On the other hand, if have knowledge and resources share your financial hacks with others in your community.
Some other topics of discussion: Share the best CPA you used to get better tax breaks. Share the best lawyer who helped you incorporate your business, tighten up your contract and trademark that logo. Is there an investment opportunity we can pursue together? LET'S TALK ABOUT IT
Listen, the boys club...Brad, Chad and John... they are talking at length about how to create massive wealth with each other. I can't tell you how many Boardroom tables/meetings I've been in - the only Black woman - and have overheard their conversations. They ain't playing.
Maybe your goal isn’t to quit your job. That’s OK too. But everyone has a skill that can be monetized. The things you do for fun can pay the bills if you learn to master them. Build systems, manage your time, and hire smart.
Many of my group chats are highly entertaining. We share memes n shit but I need balance. These 5 women are who I lean on when I can't catch my breath. We share experiences, love, and laughter. My prayer is that you find your tribe or hit me up if you need someone to talk to.
You can follow @PauleannaR.
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