It's been clear for some time now that there exists a sizable group of Americans who not only don't believe in minding their own business, they actively oppose the concept.

They WANT to regulate you, to control you.
We've had different names for them over the years -- scolds, busybodies, etc - but more recently something's changed. They're aggressive and empowered in ways they weren't before. They're no longer annoying. They're dangerous.
They're a sort of hyperactive, woke Jacobin that isn't interested in a society where we afford one another the space to live and let live. They don't believe in that.
What they seem to believe in is conformity through persecution. The only thing they hold sacred is their own perceived moral superiority.

Disagreement or difference of opinion -- even no opinion at all -- is a form of intolerable heresy that justifies abuse.
And, like every group motivated by its own self-righteousness, they're insatiable.

Only those who express either sufficient zealotry or obsequiousness are spared, and even submission offers no immunity.
And they're increasingly unavoidable. You can't escape them by getting offline. You can't escape them by scrubbing your account.

They believe they're purging society. Making it better and more pure.

History tells us how these sorts of episodes end.
It's a binary choice: If you're not going to join them, you either fight them or you accept your inevitable victimhood.
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