Not to bang on about it, but the Grimes interview of Starkey in which he claims to have not being paying proper attention (whilst simultaneously claiming to have have a detailed & nuanced conversation) didn't contain just one nasty comment. There was a stream of them. Some clips:
Started off poorly - Starkey claiming Covid is an imaginary disease and Grimes... challenging him? Staying uncomfortably silent?

Nope, laughing along with him
Starkey saying that 'blacks in Britain' tend to borrow from America in politics, dress, music, 'gangster culture' etc, lumping them in as essentially a homogeneous group and ignoring how American culture plays a significant role in the UK in general 🤷‍♂️

Grimes? Nowhere.
Don't even know what to say about this clip saying black people would die in seconds if they were 'dumped' in 'black Africa', and how Black Lives Matter are entirely a product of white colonisation. It speaks for itself.

Grimes again, continues to say nothing.
Apparently India only managed to be capable of being able to govern itself because of the structures Britain left behind. Because obviously nobody else would ever be able to do so.
Now, onto the personal attacks. Whilst I'm hardly Theresa May's biggest fan, 'it's very easy to set aside Theresa May. Whether any idea ever penetrated that strange sponge of a brain' is certainly below the belt, whilst Darren laughs away in agreement.
Now giggling away at Greta being compared to a 'mad medieval child saint', whilst *David Attenborough* of all people being attacked as 'the incredibly mad, doddery, white haired old man' is apparently hilarious 🤷‍♂️
Lewis Hamilton should apparently be a laughing stock because he's a black man speaking out against racist whilst living elsewhere for tax reasons. Because obviously no right-winger ever has avoided paying tax at all. They make sure they pay it in full, without exception.
Not to mention as well, the slightly bizarre occurrence of two gay men dismissing gay rights as 'gay love never shuts up now of course' (whilst elsewhere denigrating same-sex marriage as well)
These are just a few short clips... but the idea the interview was wide ranging and detailed with just one racist or nasty comment that Darren happened to miss is absurd. It's a lengthy conversation between two people basically just full of bigotry and abuse.
To tweet, after a conversation like this, that the man is your hero, that you loved meeting him and that the interview was so good you're watching it back again is indicative of supporting some very nasty views indeed. Those on the right defending the interview should be ashamed.
I mean seriously, any outlet giving Grimes a platform needs to take a serious look at themselves.
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