What the fuck is there to celebrate on the 4th. Is it the civil unrest over black & brown people getting murdered w/o justice, half the country refusing to slow the spread of COVID, people in power being pedophiles, the military not looking out for their OWN TROOPS,
children being kidnapped and raped, black women being kidnapped & raped, our country continuing to be led by a narcissistic, racist, rapist, sexist dumbfuck, our senate doing little to nothing to improve the quality of life, climate change being ignored, expensive healthcare,
The US FORCING immigrant children into concentration camps & FORCING the parents to pay for them back, killing innocents in other countries, starting unnecessary wars that no one asked for, the defunding of public education, housing, and redlining/gentrification
The continual brainwashing from dated media sources like Fox News to keep ignorant people ignorant, blatant lies being told to our fucking faces by people in power, the destruction of WHATEVER’S LEFT of indigenous people’s property for rich white’s convenience
And all these flaws of our country were just what I could think of off the top of my head. There’s prolly other issues out there that I’m not aware of, and people wanna CELEBRATE this country? I couldn’t give less of a fuck about this country
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