Do people realize that it's not teachers opening bars and salons? If you're pissed that re-opening is going to mean schools can't open, take it up with the folks in control, rather than slamming teachers constantly, for fuck's sake. Do you think *WE* want to teach from home?
I'm so exhausted by the endless online fighting I see about how schools not opening somehow means we aren't advocating for kids. WE ARE. Take it up with city and state leadership, or better yet, this administration. Every teacher I know WANTS to go back to normal.
We just also don't want to die? Is that...wrong? Gun laws in this country already mean that every damn day I worry that I will have to protect kids, which is not what I signed on for but I DO IT ANYWAY. Advocate for the government to get schools money or pay people to be home.
But the insinuation that teachers having BASIC DEMANDS FOR OUR SAFETY is somehow a giant fuck you to parents is so beyond comprehension. I know *YOU* can telework or go to an office with adults who wash their hands but if you have a kid you KNOW that's not life.
For years now, every education conflict is set up as "families vs schools" when it should be families/kids/teachers vs. THE RAMPANT UNDERFUNDING OF SCHOOLS. My god.
We need to decouple childcare, health services, mental health assistance, and food from schools, not blame teachers for every single issue, and CERTAINLY not this one. Do you think we don't KNOW that kids in SpEd need services? Do you think we aren't AWARE that kids are lonely?
WE GET IT. WE HATE IT. I know zero teachers who are dying to be at home, but I also know zero teachers who are willing to DIE for their jobs. We are being faced with an impossible choice.
I am so baffled by the doublespeak of "wE nEeD yOu FoR tHe KiDs" and "You're not deserving of safe conditions." Which is it? Are we heroes so the economy can run and your kids can learn or people who should die as collateral so the economy can run and kids get to play soccer?
TEACHERS AND ADMINISTRATORS ARE NOT THE ENEMY. This horrific lack of government leadership is. PERIOD. If you think our unions are overstepping so we can stay safe, you lack empathy and compassion for the same people you're asking to have empathy for your family situation.
And if you're worried about kids getting services, ADVOCATE IN YOUR OWN DISTRICT rather than blanket statements demonizing teachers for demanding hand sanitizer, masks and safety. WE ARE NOT THE PROBLEM.
I am proud as hell to be an educator. The "respect" we are given in society has been slipping for years and this pandemic has exposed it further. Teachers are HUMAN BEINGS. We also have families and lives and desires and health issues.
If you have an issue with how things are unrolling TAKE IT UP WITH THE PEOPLE IN ACTUAL POWER and leave me the hell out of it. Teachers are NOT the enemy. Nor are administrators. Or districts. TAKE IT UP WITH PEOPLE WHO HAVE MONEY AND CONTROL. We are not your scapegoat.
And as for all of you beating the drum that it's not THAT dangerous, let me remind you that WE DO NOT KNOW. Kids are still catching it and the symptoms are horrible. Adults are dying rapidly. If you're not willing to expose yourself to 140 kids and 100 adults per day, than STFU.
I love kids. I love my site. I LOVE MY JOB. I hated teaching from home but GUESS WHAT? I also love BEING ALIVE. God forbid I want me job to protect me from dying.
I have seen so many people I used to respect wringing their hands about their jobs and their kids as if I can just call my boss and say, "MKAY READY TO COME BACK" and as if I haven't spent my time from home Zooming with kids and getting them hooked up with mental health services.
As if I'm not working daily on creating equitable curriculum for them for fall. As if I haven't asked district folks to please, go check on families. Teachers are doing the hard, unseen work, AS WE ALWAYS DO.
If you think we're not, you're not paying attention. The choices being made right now are unspeakably hard and IT IS THE FAULT OF INCOMPETENT LEADERSHIP NOT EDUCATORS. Get a grip.
Stop hitting the lowest hanging fruit and educate yourself. Advocate for social programs. Work to expand the safety nets for families. Demand safer and better conditions for schools ALL THE TIME, not just when it affects your kids. This isn't a new thing.
Teachers have been saying for years that we need more money in schools, more services, more HELP. Y'all love to ignore it and complain about our "exorbitant" classroom lists and requests. But now that it's YOUR kids and lives, IT'S A PROBLEM AND TEACHERS ARE AT FAULT.
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