1) Thread.....One of the problems with understanding Covid tests "spiking" is realizing that the Fake News narrative doesn't compare apples to apples.

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2) I'm posting this thread in hopes that it will shed some light on the testing process, types of test, and why we may be being misled.

This is from Bay County, Fl, but it applies to testing everywhere.
3) This question/response was directed to Senator Gainer in response to why there is a huge spike in COVID19 cases in Bay County...the gentleman who wrote this has, in my opinion, given the most logical explanation of why...Anyway... judge for yourself..
4) [to] State Senator George Gainer, Representing Northwest Florida
"Test results are spiking! Why?
There are 2 different tests.
1. [Virus derived] RNA test for viral RNA/DNA in the body (called PCR tests). This test ONLY determines the physical presence of the actual virus
5) It does NOT tell if the virus is active, the person is contagious, or if the person contracted it and has since recovered.
2. [Blood derived] Antibody/Serum test for the presence of the body's immune reaction to the virus.
6) This test ONLY determines if the immune system has responded by producing antibodies. It does NOT tell if the person is contagious, or if the virus is still physically present at all.
7) Positive test results from type 1 are certainly alarming as they represent physical proof of the COVID-19 virus still within a patient. Since that virus "could be" active or inactive and the patient "could be" contagious...
8) there is reasonable cause for concern regarding positive type 1 results and more restrictive protocols taken to reduce the risk of infection.
However, positive results from a type 2 test simply reveal a person who had "exposure to the virus at some point"
9) (whether or not they experienced any symptoms) and their immune system responded to it to fight it off. With these results, there should be a lesser degree of concern than from type 1 results, but reasonable precautions should still be taken as an extra level precaution.
10) The problem with these two different tests is, once again the data being reported is inaccurately being explained and the folks in government are basing their decisions off of misinformation.
11) Just like in the beginning when the CDC was counting "all deaths" as COVID-19 related, regardless if there was a corresponding positive test or not, causing panic from people thinking the virus was more deadly than it is.
12) Unfortunately, now the "positive" test results are not being differentiated between those indicating "virus DNA/RNA confirmed" and those indicating "immune system markers of having reacted to the virus at some point"
13) The result is more unnecessary panic because people automatically assume:
positive result=active virus.
This is like a swimmer yelling shark and folks on shore seeing a dorsal fin in the water 6 feet away. That panic is reasoned, rationale, and appropriate...
14) because you're actually 6 feet from a predatory species.
The reality with type 2 results is more like a Marine biologist saying that there are sharks in the ocean though. This statement is obviously still undesirable, but is certainly no reason to panic.
15) We all already know COVID-19 arrived; therefore, we should logically expect to see evidence of immune system responses to it, because that is how a contagious respiratory pathogen works. There was NEVER a scenario where we could have "avoided or prevented" COVID-19....
16) which is why, from the beginning, the response was to "flatten the curve" not "stop the spread".
The clarification the "experts" should make now is what type of testing is actually yielding these new positive results and what that data reasonably infers.
17) If more people have been unknowingly contracting the virus, and also unknowingly fighting it off successfully....then the virus clearly isn't anymore lethal than a seasonal flu epidemic...it's just a new viral strain we'll all have to adapt to and move on from.
18) Conversely, if more people have been contracting live virus, despite social distancing, wearing masks, etc., then perhaps the reduction/containment strategy isn't working at all and the virus is more aggressive/resilient than people give it credit for.
19) That would make it tough to eradicate and likely to linger, but thankfully it is largely survivable to begin with.
So why don't the "experts" do that simple task of clarification by transparency?
20) Theories abound, but you can pretty much boil it down to one of two things:
A. They're either too inept to handle the science responsibly and transparently.
B. They are willfully engaged in social manipulation and coercion

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