When I think of Ember I just laugh, and laugh, and laugh then go "Transunion's website uses Ember and it never works."

This is sort of a general rule I follow:

If most things made with your gear is trash, then your gear is also trash.
The inverse is also true. If everything using a project seems to always be high quality and easy to use, then I start to think that project has something. Go is a great example of this. I can't stand the language and its error handling, but things made with it seem to work.
Almost every Go project I setup just works. It's one binary and it's usually easy to configure. I don't need to do crazy package installs. It uses next to no RAM and CPU. The UI is usually fairly polished and works well. Go may have trash features, but it makes good projects.
You can think of it more as a usability test of your project. If your code is easy to use then people will make high quality things without effort. They'll have more space to invest in fine details rather than fighting your code's weirdness.
The problem is, many of the authors of these obtuse difficult to use softwares brush this off by saying "You're just not smart enough." This is the classic reply when someone can't make C secure. That "you ain't man enough bro" and it's not really C.

Obviously it is C's fault.
So for me, when I'm evaluating a language, I take a look at what people have made with it. JavaScript, Go, Rust, Nim all seem to have people making interesting things with relatively high quality and low effort.

Python, Ruby, Java, C, and C++ seem to be the inverse now.
Incidentally, the impetus for this anti-Ember tweet is that the Transunion website has had mountains of errors in Ember for about 3 months now that prevent the company from charging credit cards.

3 months of lost sales from continuous errors is a pretty damning indictment.
Thinking through Vue, React, Svelte or plain old JQuery, the fixes are probably..3-4 hours of work tops. They're actually errors that should have never been deployed to production. They happen on all browsers, OSX/Win/Linux, and even include CORS errors all over.
So for me, I can safely say that Ember must be such trash that it stopped a massive credit reporting agency from...charging credit cards. Think about that? It's a project that's so hard to use and maintain that a *credit card* company couldn't charge cards for months.
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