. @banksisdumb be like “I know a spot” then takes you to Zaxby’s
Can’t believe Banks got a “so it goes” tattoo the proceeded to never read another book
This is now a Banks Torgenson roast thread, he said it was fine
In high school I tweeted something with the word heck but spelled like h*ck [to be funny and ironic] and Banks asked me in Ap Econ, v concerned, if heck was a cuss word
In sophomore year I made a PowerPoint presentation of all the bad photos Banks had on social media, most of which had been taken in the past year
One time my phone froze while I watching Banks’ snap story, which was a photo of the school ceiling with the caption “ooo sexual”
Banks wrote about how I wasn’t going to college in his AP Lang essay. I was going to college.
If course there’s the classic “circle are like porn if you think about it” which Banks posted, unprompted, on Facebook. No one yes and-ed him
Banks wore salt life t-shirts in high school.
Senior year, Banks announced to our whole AP Econ class that he had to clean his dog’s butthole
Senior year of high school, when Banks was 18, he thought Pete Wentz was the lead singer of Fall Out Boy. I was LIVID
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