The further Trump falls behind, the more articles you'll see about how he's going to magically win. Trump does still have a path, but these articles are empty clickbait, designed to scare you into reading them. Don't let this crap paralyze you. Go register people to vote instead.
Nor can Trump just magically remain in office if he loses. Law enforcement would arrest or incapacitate him within minutes of Biden being sworn in. The people who write this bullshit know it's bullshit; they just want to scare you into giving them easy page views.
But if enough of you fall for this bullshit about Trump magically remaining in office after he loses, he can then use the empty threat of remaining in office to negotiate a more lenient plea deal. You do severe harm to our cause when you fall for this laughable doomsday nonsense.
The sad part is that when fraudsters publish this doomsday bullshit, everyone else in the media then praises them for it. It's like watching one big bullshit collective in action. Your job is to not fall for it. Don't let the media dishonestly play you for page views.
Trump is weak, confused, crippled, and out of ideas. The only way he gets back in the game is if you hand him leverage by assigning him magical powers that he doesn't have. That's not vigilance, it's idiocy. Don't play for his team like that.
You want Trump to win? Waste the next four months indulging yourself with nonsensical doomsday scenarios that hack writers come up with to try to lure you in for easy page views.

You want Trump to lose? Spend the next four months working on voter registration and voter turnout.
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