You choose emotionally unavailable partners who are quick to bail on you or invalidate you when you're going through something.
Neglect is the keyword here. You are used to not having your emotional needs met through a parent and the pattern is created there.

You're also more likely to be emotionally abused within these partnerships, since neglect is abuse.
You choose partners and wonder if they care about you. You should never have to wonder if they care about you. Your partners end up feeling like a stranger at some point in the relationship. They ignore you and stonewall you. They're cold. You try anyway because you want love.
You struggle to open up because by proxy, through the emotionally unavailable parent, you were conditioned that emotions were bad. You may struggle to show emotion because a parent may have abused you for it, which leads into choosing partners who do the same.
You may even believe you're not good enough for your partner regardless of how they're treating you.

You may struggle to be emotionally available in your relationships, have fears of intimacy and rejection—An emotionally unavailable partner will trigger these. Unlearn. Try.
When you find someone who is CONSISTENTLY emotionally available within their boundaries, who makes you feel safe, who listens carefully, who doesn't respond to your emotions carelessly—It won't feel normal to you, but they love and support you. Don't run from them. You deserve.
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