The pandemic is America's problems rolled into one.

Racism. Toxic individualism. Misinformation. Economic inequality. Anti-meritocracy. A corporate infrastructure that de-prioritizes leadership and incentivizes delegated responsibility.

It's just heartbreaking and infuriating.
Assaults on education and science has led to paranoid ramblings and a nation incapable of processing even the most basic information.

Meanwhile the hypercapitalism has stripped people of their humanity while creating a managerial class unwilling to decide literally anything.
And the paranoid politics of the Republican Party in concert with white-identity, Neo-Confederate Christianity has led to a population desperate to embrace fascism to fend off an imagined threat and conspiracy that's leading to them embracing a dark, more miserable future.
The disturbing truth is that this country is suffering because our culture of problems and dysfunction has created a massive knot.

It's everything. All of our issues. All of our faults. All of our delusions. All of it feeding off each other.

All of it at once.
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