Nike is going to remove all their Redskins merchandise, but, in a gesture of goodwill toward China, they will continue allowing their shoes to be made by sterilized Uighur Muslim slaves.
I'm not saying Nike *should* keep their Redskins merchandise, I'm simply noting that on the actual major moral issues of our moment in history, US corporations are silent.

They prefer token morality to actual courage.
I credit @orthonormalist for really shaking my view of what to do about China with this tweet.

Once you start looking at China through this lens, things get very... uncomfortable.
We now know that China is a regime that imprisons an entire ethnic-religious group, sterilizes them, tortures them, separates husbands and wives and rapes the women, and forces them to work as slaves making products out of the hair of their own families and friends.
That's on top of the organ harvesting.

When it comes to human rights abuses, China is about as close to Nazi Germany as any country around and yet our corporations still fall all over each other not to offend them.
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