At about 1400 on the afternoon of 3rd July 1916 patrols Division found Mametz Wood & Quadrangle trench empty of Germans
Despite reports to XV Corps no orders were issued to take advantage of the situation until 2015 that day...more
By the time 2nd Royal Irish of 7th Division attacked (1st RWF having got lost on their way to the jump off point only arriving at 0600 4th July) the Germans had reinforced the southern part of the Wood & the subsequent attack was unsuccessful...more
Between 7th & 12th July men of the 38th (Welsh) Division attacked Mametz Wood with over 4000 casualties including 7 of 12 Battalion CO’s
Haig had insisted on Mametz Wood being in British hands before the attack on the German 2nd line could start..more
The Official Historian wrote
“...if XV Corps had encouraged more vigorous action on the afternoon of 3rd a hold on Mametz Wood could have been secured..”
The subsequent action by 38th Div resulted in the taking of the Wood against all odds...more
But with the Commander in Chief if the BEF & others labelling the men of Lloyd George’s Welsh Army as cowards!
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