✨I have a need. ✨
CW: Kiribaku, NSFW

Eijirou Kirishima was a non-presenting person in a world full of strong alphas, omegas and betas.

Which was fine by him.

He didn't have to deal with pheromones or suppressants or mating.
He could roll out of bed in the morning and not worry about covering himself in scent blockers before he left the house or having to track a heat or rut.
He only occasionally cared that he didn't have a second gender. Like when he found his gaze on his best friend and wondered what he smelled like outside of the warmth of his cinnamon soap and manly deodorant.

Like right now.
This morning Katsuki was making himself a valerian root tea to jumpstart his meds so he didn't lose it and knock Kaminari’s head off for looking at him funny while he was still a little wired from his rut.
He was shirtless, with pale blue scent suppressant patches stuck to each of his wrists and either side underneath his jaw.
Bakugou turned as he sniffed the air, pupils flicking to slits for a moment, before he stalked across the kitchen and shoved his face straight into the crook of Eijirou’s shoulder, immediately rubbing his cheek over his neck and one side of his face.
Ah crap, his suppressants probably hadn't kicked in properly yet.
“Bakugou, let go man. Let me finish your tea.” Eijirou urged, face flaming as he felt surprisingly gentle clawed fingers knead at his hips and push him against the kitchen counter.

He would never get used to this.
Most alpha's completely disregarded anyone that didn't have a second gender, but Katsuki was constantly slipping into a strange possessive state and rubbing his scent all over Eijirou.

A little /too/ intimately for company sometimes.
Last week they'd had two strangers in the house to measure the kitchen for the new one they were getting fitted; an omega and a beta.
It was a good thing Kaminari and his alpha boyfriend Tetsutetsu had been there to help when Katsuki decided the tiny omega was somehow a threat and began growling.

All the poor guy had done was smile and shake Eijirou’s hand!
But Katsuki had spat right in his hand and shoved it up Eijirou's shirt to smear his alpha saliva all over his abs and pecs while tearing the blocker patch from his other wrist with his teeth to rub it over his face.
The female beta had tried to put out a calming scent to ease the tension, but Katsuki had snapped his teeth at her and shoved Eijirou behind himself as he puffed out his own chest and postured.
Eijirou had apologised and dragged the angry alpha to his room and locked him inside before returning to the kitchen as Tetsutetsu rolled his eyes and sat down outside the door to make sure he didn't break out.
Kaminari had sprayed scent neutraliser around like a madman and explained that Bakugou was imminently due to go into rut.
The two workers had nodded their understanding and continued on with their task, though the omega had continually cast Kirishima strange glances, before asking him if he needed to go to his mate.
Eijirou blushed and assured the man that he and Katsuki were nothing but friends, lifting his chin to show the gland-free underside of his jaw and lack of a claiming bite as he waved away the omega's concern.
“Oh. But you smell kind of like an alpha, I thought…do you want to maybe get a coffee with me tomorrow? I know a really good place downtown.”
He hadn't even had the chance to politely turn the guy down.
He had no idea how Katsuki had even heard from his bedroom down the hall or if it was a coincidence, but the blond chose that moment to violently punch straight through his bedroom door and attempt to rip it off its hinges, snarling.
Tetsu had to wrestle Bakugou into submission while Kaminari attempted to stick him with a suppressant booster shot and Eijirou ushered the poor people out that had set the alpha off.
They put him in Eijirou's room with his rut toy, and Eijirou had slept in Katsuki’s bed for the next couple of nights, trying not to think about the man he'd been half in love with since highschool furiously masturbating in his bed.
He hadn't been able to stop himself when his own hand had slipped into his borrowed pyjama trousers as the grunting and groaning started back up the second night after midnight.
“/Eijirou/…” Katsuki’s low growl pulled him from his thoughts as he felt something hard brush against his hip, before the blond pulled back a little, panting.
His pupils were blown wide rather than slitted now, and four sharp canines had descended from his top jaw and two up from the bottom.
“/You smell…different/.” His voice cracked as he leaned back in to nose at Eijirou's neck, “fuck. Feels like I'm gonna rut again, what the hell?”
But Eijirou was too busy short circuiting over the fact that he could feel his best friend's hard dick against his thigh again.
His mouth flooded with saliva and he swallowed thickly, before gently but firmly setting the blond away from himself. “Do you wanna go back to your room?” He asked, biting his lip.
This definitely wasn't normal, and while Bakugou had always been angry and oddly possessive over him, he'd never been as bad as he had the past couple of months.
Even when Eijirou had gone on a couple of dates with a nice omega guy last year when he was sure he was never going to present.

His best friend had sulked for three days straight and refused to come near him because he ‘smelled disgusting’.
“Yo, Kacchan what's with the stank?! You literally rutted last week, you should smell like daisies for a few weeks compared to what you usually do.” Kaminari pinched his nose as he walked into the kitchen, turning immediately on his heel to march out.
He came back a moment later and unapologetically sprayed the can of pheromone neutraliser directly on the alpha and then around the kitchen. “I think you should go to the doctors, this ain't right. You've been really hinky for like two months now.”
Katsuki's pupils slowly returned to normal and a scowl settled on his face. He stepped away from Eijirou, staring at him as though expecting him to sprout an extra head any minute. “I don't need the doctors, I'm fucking fine. Now get out of my face so I can get ready for work.”
“You sure that's a good idea Bakugou? Maybe you should take it easy today and go in tomorrow?” Eijirou tried to reason as he poured water from the kettle into the blond's large mug to finish his valerian tea.
“I said I'm fine! /You're/ the one that smells funny. Have you been out with some weird alpha or something?” Katsuki demanded angrily before catching himself, cheeks flaming as he turned and grabbed his cup, stalking from the room with a low, rumbling growl.
“Geez. He needs to take /more/ than just a chill pill.” Kaminari rolled his eyes and grabbed a stepping stool from under the counter next to the bin, unfolding it to climb up and grab cereal from atop the overhead cupboard.
"Ignore him, he's probably still just jealous of those two contractors being in his territory and by his ‘not-mate’, that's all.” He wobbled on the steps and Eijirou quickly moved to steady him with a hand to the shoulder.
The blond's nose twitched and he frowned, casting Eijirou a confused look.
“Actually, /have/ you been around any strange alphas?” He asked as he grabbed Kirishima’s forearm for support and climbed down, before leaning in to sniff at his pec and around his underarm, the only places he could really reach, even on his tiptoes.
He looked up and stared at the underside of his jaw for a long moment before shrugging and stepping away to pour his cereal.
“Dude I've been to work and back, that's it. I got a new body wash last week, but it's just patchouli, sage and eucalyptus or something.” Eijirou had no idea why he apparently smelled different all of a sudden, but he lifted his arm to sniff himself, a little self conscious.
“Oh yeah, I totally used some this morning, it's nice! But definitely not what you smell like right now.” Kaminari pursed his lips in thought and opened the fridge to grab milk for his bowl.
He put it away and chewed the inside of his cheek, “has anyone in your family presented super late before?”
“No? ‘Super late’ is like twenty two. I'm already twenty four, there's literally no way. My sister never presented either, and she's twenty eight now. I kind of expected to not present as soon as she hit twenty two and hadn't already.”
“Hmm. Maybe it's nothing then. Do you feel any different?” Kaminari picked up his bowl and dug a spoon into it, immediately stuffing sugary cereal into his mouth and talking around it, “may-bee ish just an alpha at the fire station dat yoo can't smell?”
“Yeah, maybe. I don't feel any different.” Eijirou fought a pout as he dumped two scoops of protein powder into his to-go shaker and topped it off with full fat milk. He didn't want Bakugou getting hard and scenting him because of another person's smell.
The thought made him kind of mad.
Almost four hours later Eijirou slid down the pole in the fire station and ran towards the truck, more pumped than he was concerned for once.
He could smell the smoke before they even drove down the side streets and turned onto the block, fingers twitching and muscles bunching ready to leap into action.
He was thirsty, but he'd drank a pint of water before leaving the station.

His skin already felt hot and he hadn't even been near a fire today.

He shook it off.

He had a job to do.
But as soon as he climbed from the truck he could smell something other than acrid burning.
It was sour and tasted how he imagined fear would against the back of his tongue, and it had him yanking down his visor and running straight into the burning building as his team yelled at him to stop.
But he couldn't.

Saliva flooded his mouth even as smoke stung at his lungs, but he found the woman -/the omega/- and her baby quickly.
“Alpha!” She cried and thrust her baby into his arms, coughing and choking on smoke even as Eijirou pulled the baby close and grabbed for the woman, tossing her over his shoulder.
The need to protect was almost overwhelming as he felt his eyes sting and his gums and stomach ache.

He should have put a respirator on.
Eijirou had always wanted kids. He'd been hoping he would be an omega or even a beta so he could carry his own babies easily.
Alpha pregnancy was incredibly rare and sometimes complicated, but he was more than happy to adopt too.

But he'd never presented.
The baby was crying in his arms and the woman over his shoulder was limp by the time he burst through one of the downstairs windows and fell to his knees, coughing as half his team surrounded him and poured water over them all as the rest manned the hoses to control the blaze.
“Are you goddamn stupid?!” Chief Aizawa growled as he yanked Eijirou's visor off and dropped to his haunches to look into his eyes, pulling down his bottom eyelids as someone took the baby from his arms and gently eased the omega woman from his other shoulder.
He had no idea how he knew her second gender, but he did.
“Had..to...protect…them…” he gasped and dropped forward to his palms as his lungs screamed and burned. He blacked out less than thirty seconds later, only vaguely registering his face hitting grass.
Eijirou awoke with a start, sitting bolt upright as he grabbed the plastic mask over his mouth and nose to yank it down, eyes wide. His arm pulled and he winced, looking at the crook of his elbow as he heard a sharp gasp.
He had a cannula in his arm with an IV attached to it. Well shit. He pouted as he flicked his gaze to where the gasp had sounded to see Katsuki, fists clenched in his blanket and expression worried.
“Hey man. How's it going?” He asked lamely.

“Are you fucking stupid?!” Katsuki snapped, eyes wet, “who the fuck runs into a burning building without backup?!”
“A...firefighter…?” Eijirou ventured a little sheepishly.

“No!? Don't you have fucking /protocol:?! Think about yourself first!”
“There was a /baby/!!” Eijirou snapped without meaning to and they both stopped, staring at each other for a long moment.
“How did you know there was a baby?” Katsuki demanded, eyes wide and confused.

“I- I don't know. Maybe someone told me? I just /knew/ there was a kid in there and I ran in.”
Katsuki opened his mouth to say something, but a nurse walked in a moment later, “mr Kirishima, you're awake! Your mate was so worried.” She bustled over as Katsuki flushed and averted his gaze.
“We did a chest X-ray, and your lungs look fine, you were very lucky. We need to take another blood test, but you should be able to go home in a few hours.” The beta said cheerfully as she leaned him forward gently to poof his pillows and then set him back.
She left and Katsuki only got redder, until he finally spoke, “they said I couldn't come in if I wasn't your mate, okay? And I don't know your folks’ number. You scared the shit out of me -/us/-!”
“It's fine man. Could you…could you hold me?” Eijirou ventured, looking straight at Katsuki. He wanted, no he /needed/ physical contact right then. His best friend kind of smelled like cinnamon, smoke and caramel, and he wanted him as close as he could get him.
Bakugou didn't hesitate. He stood and dropped the roll guard, before climbing onto the bed to mold himself against Eijirou's side, shoes still on his feet, +
I don't know how long I'll be allowed to do this, but they can drag me the fuck away.” Katsuki growled as he dropped his head to Eijirou’s pec and a low rumbling growl started up. “You smell good. Fucking idiot.”
Eijirou felt a smile split his face as lethargy overtook him and he slipped off to sleep.
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