RT this if you’ve ever ridden a horse & are not rich. Trying to prove a thing.
Notice the number of RTs here. The Dirtbag Left harassed a disabled person pretty horribly deciding they must be rich b/c they were a horse girl. Are all the people below secretly rich too? https://twitter.com/remembrancermx/status/1279087501731172352?s=20
There really is this weird assumption by progressives that Certain Activities only belong to rich folx. That assumption makes sense from an urban US perspective. But the US isn't just urban & the world isn't just the US.
Many Russian Jewish immigrant parents, for example, pushed their kids to play an instrument b/c that was for rich people back home & a sign of improved life here, even though musical ability isn't just a thing for the rich here.
Before making the assumption that Certain Activities Are For the Rich Everywhere, maybe take a breath & consider that context is a thing, the world is a varied place, & your personal experiences of what is reserved for the rich are not universal.
As for myself, I did have horse riding lessons as a child. It was very important to my abuelos b/c that's just a thing that was done in Cuba. My parents couldn't pay for the classes due to my medical bills. We were solidly middle class at BEST. Not a sign of money here.
And I'd like to point out that most of the people I knew growing up that had ridden a horse where fellowed disabled folx that got to ride horses through low-income therapy programs.
So...don't make assumptions maybe? It isn't as easy to determine someone's financial situation as y'all think it is. And even less so when you're deciding a person's childhood translates automatically to their situation today.
As much as I love hearing everyone's horse stories (& I do, please, keep them coming, I will return to these later), we are moving homes today so I need to mute this for a bit. Love y'all <3
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