If your equity discussions around education do not include perspectives from CYCs, ECE, EAs, or anyone else regularly in the classrooms and largely staffed by women and racialized people...we have a problem. #onted #ETFO #OSSTF
We are the ones who are asked to manage the behaviour of children acting out to a violent education system and we are often voiceless when it comes to changing that. Whether structurally or in the classroom. #onted #ETFO #OSSTF
We have to work in the “behaviour” classes which are usually filled with Black and Indigenous children and have to try to heal young souls from a system that has already given up on them. #onted #ETFO #OSSTF
The fact that we are overlooked in these discussions tells me just how far you need to go. CYCs in Ontario have a whole agency equipped to talk and transform about race and equity! #onted #ETFO #OSSTF
We are overworked, underpaid. We get injured on the daily, because of violent systems we have to enforce, yet we know (or should know) the danger of labeling children as violent-and I *know* I can’t say the same for most teachers. #onted #ETFO #OSSTF
So why aren’t you including “support” staff in your education discussions, panels, conferences, admin, unions and discussions? #onted #ETFO #OSSTF
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