I don’t know if this post will even be read, I am just a chubby, middle aged, Ute fan- who after reading some Tweets last night found herself sad and unable to put it out of her head. The thought that people could abuse players verbally and emotionally sickens me. I met @gvo_3
as a 17 year old kid in the locker room while taking a tour with my students. Demari took the time to greet my kids, sign their shirts, and gave out some gloves. That small act led to others, that led to some pretty strong hero worship among that group of students. I
guarantee you they will never forget who Demari Simpkins is. From that came @TiTaniumT98 , who volunteers and embraces kids with all abilities and gives as much time as he has to make them feel special. @PresMoss2 who wrote a personal note to a sixth grade student that
persuaded him to attend math tutoring with me after school instead of going home to play Xbox. Players like @FearThat55 and @lionel_nacua who took time after a game to take pictures with a boy who is working on social interaction as well as both these players volunteered at a
Hoop Camp activity last summer for individuals with disabilities, and recorded a farewell message for my class digital yearbook along with @JBrench23. @justinbibbins1, @TutBoth, and @timmybuckets35 who have spent time giving knuckles/bones, signing hats, and Both shot baskets
with my students. @battin_riley and Eli Ballstaedt who sat and ate lunch with my class. @LKrystkowiak who takes the time to greet and make connections with my kids. The whole 2020 Basketball team who took valuable time from practice to see my class. There have been others like
@Ezmoneylowe who stopped his run to come see my class. @DevontaeHenry who was swarmed by my students who sometimes struggle with personal space. Orlando Umana who took time to hang out with a student physically unable to participate and make her feel special.
I watched a student who mostly hates people come and sit with Nick Ford and chill out with him on the day we had an amazing group come with @coachjharding to teach students the importance of teamwork. These boys work hard, they deserve our respect for the discipline they
have to play at this level. I could go on and name several others of all different backgrounds who helped meet the fundamental needs of my diverse classroom, kids that often are avoided or ignored- who I love with all my heart. These simple acts have embedded these
players in my heart and I will be forever grateful for their time and compassion. PLEASE do not let the acts of the few ignorant individuals generalize to the whole Ute fan base. Ignorance is often paired with poor judgement and those individuals often feel the need to be heard
and spread their poison. We love our Utes! GO UTES!
You can follow @cherifrosting.
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