Since 2015, one of the most distressing, awful things for Jews has been the continual gaslighting from people on the Left. Gaslighting is about manipulating info to make a victim question their sanity, doubt their memories or perception of reality. Ash is a gaslighting champion
Maybe a question about kosher salt (that could so easily be Googled) is just a question about kosher salt. But why would many Jews *not* give Ash the benefit of the doubt, or indeed think she were Jew-baiting in the first place? Let's have a look, shall we. First, off to Warsaw.
Or more specifically the Warsaw Ghetto, the remaining wall of which Ash bent over backwards to defend the graffiti of. Maintaining to the last that it was not antisemitic at all to scrawl about Gaza there. All a massive coincidence it's a mass Jewish grave
But Ash really *cares* about antisemitism (AS), you cry! She certainly cynically uses it here as a weapon to attack the fox-murdering QC himself. Whereas it's quite clear to a neutral observer, there was no such reference to AS. Note here her scolding reference to "tone & timing"
Talking about tone & timing, I wonder what tone & timing it was for Ash when she gushingly introduced Chris Williamson as the "Derby North bad man" in July 2018, despite Williamson's long, dark history of defending antisemites & own antisemitic baiting?
No, antisemitism is something to use merely for Ash's own ends. Like defending Corbyn for saying of Zionists "having lived in this country for a very long time, probably all their lives, they don't understand English irony" *by attacking Howard Jacobson*
Yes, that's right. Rather than address the clear & obvious othering racist antisemitism by Corbyn that would usually send any anti-racist into righteous anger, Ash instead attempts a failed 'gotcha' on Jacobson for a clearly thoughtful piece on humour.
Or indeed her characterisation of AS as "prejudice & hostility towards Jews as Jews, largely without aspects of material dispossession (such as structural unemployment) that manifest in other forms of racism". Oh well then, Ash. as long as the violent attacks aren't *systemic"🙄
So, Ms Sarkar deserves no benefit of the doubt when it comes to Jews and antisemitism. She abuses racism against Jews for her own snark and political ends. It would be *entirely* up her street to rub kosher salt into Jewish wounds. Don't mock Jews for being sensitive about it.
Addendum, I note when Jews took what might've been an innocuous question about salt wrongly, rather than reflect why ppl thought that or smiled it away, instead Ash snarked nastily about the IHRA definition. Proving *exactly* why ppl might've reacted that way in the 1st place...
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