Since they didn’t really explain much about the swimming thing in the game, here’s my tips for swimming in #animalcrossing

To get started, buy the swim suit from Nooks Cranny. The Nook brothers will tell you to press A on beaches while wearing it and will get you in the water.
Pressing Y will take you underwater.

Pressing A repeatedly will make you swim faster.

Chase the bubbles to get sea creatures and then bring them to Blathers to add them to the museum. There are many, many available right now and respawn just like fish, so go back.
Once you find a scallop, Pascal will appear and you can trade it to him for a DIY. I was only able to do this with the first scallop and I found 3 total. I’m donating one and keeping the other in my inventory to see if he will take it today.
You will get a snorkel in the mail but you don’t need it to swim. Just get the suit from Nooks shop and you’re good to go!

You can also buy a Nooks themed wet suit with Nook Miles. It’s nothing special, just a different look.
Sharks will NOT eat you. They swim away just like any other fish when you run by it on the beach. Thank you @animalcrossing 😭

I will be adding to this thread once I find out more tips and tricks. I have caught 50 sea creatures so far, 20 unique.
You can follow @Shryku.
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