blocked those two dholu bholu mfs and the side package whoever the fuck she is for unnecessarily quoting me and calling my tweet creepy. ain't nobody starting beef with those minors lmfao. called me problematic for being friends with problematic people?
need i remind you these bitches cyberbully people every fucking day? the people i talk to who have been problematic in the past ARE apologetic about it. and one of them is an irl friend who is working on making himself better each day and me and my friends actively help him.
what the fuck do YOU do other than quote people to start drama over here UNNECESSARILY? i know the so called cancel gang does alot of good over here. they've taught me alot. and i respect them for that. but you three are the scum of this app. you are the reason why people
hate on the 'cancel gang' even though they try doing the right thing. your friends bodyshame people, bring up old shit even though they're trying to fix themselves, bully kids,
AND you have the audacity to call me problematic when your dumbass friend has Lana Del Rey as her pfp? pot calling the kettle black much? and i HAVE spoken up about the things that are problematic over here. don't pretend as if i don't stand up for the right things.
lastly, about my "creepy" tweet. my mum asked me about it, because she got a forwarded text about the darkweb and was just checking up on me. you could have easily read the replies, but no you decided to qt me thinking that you did something.
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