As promised, it's the "why you- yes you- should check out Lost Omens: Legends" thread! Woo!
As has been mentioned publicly, Lost Omens: Legends is a bit of a departure from the Legends line (weird to type, since said line is less than a year old), in that it is primarily a fluff book.

There's rules content, too! Don't worry, crunch fans!
But crunch isn't the primary focus. It's all about major and minor characters, old and new, in Pathfinder's default world of Golarion.

Here's a list of just some of the characters covered in the book:
And that's just some of 'em. There's 42 major entries in total. For a hardcover book, that let us deep-dive into characters in a way that has previously not been an option.
Who's us, you ask? Well, me, certainly, but 34 other folk also did entries for this book.

Just look at those names! 🥰
Folks from all sorts of backgrounds, which is great, 'cuz the people in the book are also from all sorts of backgrounds, too! 💖
Did I mention there's fiction?

There's fiction.

It's not all dry, 3rd-person narrator stuff.

If you've ever read "Faces of Sigil" from back in the 2E Planescape days, it's a lot like that.
This also means this is a fine book for folks who don't play Pathfinder 2nd Edition. The amount of rules material- feats, spells, items, and other crunch- is *vastly* outweighed by the stories and art that can be used by anybody for their game table.
What if you don't run a game set in Golarion?

A fine question! Each of these NPCs can be inspiration, in whole or in part, for characters in your game's world.

Heck, Baba Yaga's in it. Everybody loves Baba Yaga. Chicken huts all over the gaming yard.
Furthermore! This one's a bit of a test run for Paizo- will people buy this kind of book, full of flavor, light on rules? Is the algorithm wrong?

We get the chance to say, "yes!"

And that's flippin' *awesome.*
If the book sells well, it tells Paizo that folks want this kind of product.

I hope it does, not just 'cuz my words are in it, or those of my friends, but because I've been playing TTRPGs for a long-ass time. And you know what I love? A book I can come back to and just *read.*
Y'ever just, I dunno, sit down, and read a TTRPG book? Not 'cuz you have to for tonight's game, not 'cuz you need X feat for your character, but just sit back and enjoy a thing.

That's what this is. That's this book.
Anyhoo. Thank y'all for sticking through this thread. I do hope you'll consider picking this book up.

Some helpful links to see you off.

Preorder on Paizo's site:

On Amazon:
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