I am going to say this one more time for the people who haven't heard me.

Transgender people aren't delusional. We do not actually believe we have changed sex.

Those who make this claim are either suffering from mental illness or are manipulative liars.

We choose to live as the opposite sex just as we can un-choose it. These are called detransitioners and they are a growing community who are being silenced by trans activists. Don't be fooled. Regrets are common.
Another area of discomfort for trans activists is the side effects of years on opposite sex hormones.

Strokes are common. I know this intimately as mine happened in 2018. The negative effects are not adequately discussed.
To listen to activists, one would believe we are a happy lot who are finally affirmed in our chosen genders. Also not true.

It has taken years of therapy for me to feel relief. Therapy, not transgenderism helped me. If I had enough of it earlier, I may not have transitioned.
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